

Planning Brainstorm 3


Green Youth Farm, Chicago, Illinois
A group of four small urban farms that employ about 50 youth interns each year in various Chicago neighborhoods.

Elements: Year-long intern stipend, 4hrs/wk labor during school year, 20 hrs/wk during summer. 1. Grow produce, 2. develop marketing/business plan, 3. sell & manage produce to local buyers. 20 students per acre. Weekly cooking sessions. Job shadowing. Field trips. Training sessions. Guest speakers. Entrepreneurial activities. Graduates get promoted to crew leaders/staff. A LOT of external funding, individual, corporate, local, and government levels since it's run under the Chicago Botanic Garden.

Earthworks Urban Farm, Detroit, Michigan
They have 2 youth programs, a summer camp, and provide for their parent organization, a soup kitchen.

Growing Healthy Kids, 5-11 years old: Weekly afternoon program w/healthy snacks, outdoor play, coloring, flower bed planning, vegetable garden planting, painting, pancake making, honey extraction, and seed starting.

Youth Farm Stand, 11-17 years old: Farming, marketing, personal development, and community food system education. Stipends.

Other Elements: Monthly food justice potlucks, co-teaching of workshops, lots of organizational collaboration, annual tours, event tabling, seeking of community feedback, organic certification funding from Farm Bill.

HUB Urban Farm Hub

Lots of links to organizations across the nation w/technical material, funding opportunities, etc.


Free pdf downloads. Hundreds of pages, EVERYTHING is in here, including how to plan a CSA, how to teach soil science, and business planning strategies. Gosh.

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