

Planning Brainstorm 1

PROJECT Earthworks Garden Design

Last week, I started volunteering at Earthworks Community Farm, located in South El Monte, cornered by the 60 Freeway and a Ramada Inn. It's run by volunteers, a few hardcore immigrant farmers, a full-time youth intern, and a project coordinator from the San Gabriel Valley Conservation Corps. By happenstance, the Farm has recently entered a phase of renewal/renovation, and has given me an opportunity to help shape it during the next two months. The timing is uncanny.

Essentially, I've been given the chance to design a small resting/garden space for installment in September. Despite the fact that I have no prior design experience, I'm hoping to step up and use this opportunity as a space to experiment, practice, and transform all that socio-nature theory in my head into application.

Brainstorming. Landscape elements: seating, walking, eating, resting, education, playing, beneficial insects, birds, edible plants, ethnobotany, color, texture, art, concepts of community, wholeness & cultivation, irrigation. Very. exciting.

1 comment:

  1. Hello! I have been trying to get in touch with Andrew and a few others at SGVCC this week but haven't had any luck. I'm happy to find a volunteer online by pure luck!

    I'm doing a senior project on urban agriculture in LA and Earthworks is an important case study in my project. I just finished reading several books for my research and I'm raring to get out onto the farm and talk to people. I visited Earthworks once in person, but I'm hoping to be on the farm more often as my project deadline nears.

    Would you be able to send me an e-mail with any information about meetings, work/volunteer schedules, etc. at Earthworks. I would really appreciate your help.

    My e-mail is

    I look forward to hearing from you and hope that we have the opportunity to meet soon.
