

Planning Brainstorm 2

Browsed through their website today, which features all 24 of their gardens, including a Sensory Garden [designed for "fragrances, sounds, color, texture, movement"], Enabling Garden [designed for therapy], and Landscapes Garden [which demos appropriate small-scale residential landscape designs for the Chicago Midwest area].

Putting the Chicago Botanic Garden on my list of places to visit.

Lamb's Ear. This plant screams, TOUCH ME!

A Garden for the Senses: feel, smell, listen, look. A guide from the Chicago Botanic Garden.

1. plant fragrant flowers/herbs in raised beds or containers to bring pleasant scents closer to your nose
2. plant near doors and windows for maximum enjoyment
3. include the soothing sound of water by building a fountain, pond, or stream
4. create mood with color. red/yellow/orange for warmth. green/blue/violet for cool
5. make music with a variety of trees, grasses, and shrubs that rustle in the wind
6. select plants with colored and textured leaves, flowers, berries, and bark to make it interesting
7. choose plants that are furry, spongy, prickly, or silky to add tactile delight
8. combine tall, medium, and short plants to create visual interest
9. group plants with subtle fragrances in drifts to combine scents and intensify their effects
10. plant varieties that will attract birds, butterflies, bees, and wildlife

Brainstorming. Elements: botanic science, rainwater harvesting, green roof garden, teaching pavilion, greenhouse, aquaponics, solar panel demo, green jobs training.

So I'm doing research alone in the corner of a coffee shop on Valentine's Day and I really can't complain. God, I love this stuff.

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