

Natural Discourse

EVENT Symposium on Natural Discourse: Culture & Ecology

'Artists, Architects, Scientists, and Poets in the Garden'

February 10, 2012, 9AM-4PM at the UC Botanical Garden in Berkeley, CA
$30 for students

S P E A K E R S :
Chris Carmichael, Associate Director of Collections and Horticulture at UC Botanical Garden
Hazel White, Poet and author of 'Peril as Architectural Enrichment'
William L. Fox, Director of the Center for Art+Environment at the Nevada Museum of Art
Gail Wright, Associate Professor of Art at Stanford University
Dale Clifford, Assistant Professor of Architecture at Carnegie Mellon University

The term 'natural discourse' itself is loaded with open questions - what is nature? who says? Does nature inspire conversation, can human conversation inspire nature, are these more than analogies. This stuff personally and totally fascinates me - the discursive processes of mutuality and adaptation that create human culture and ecology. It's like magic, and the garden is the perfect pretty place to observe it as it unfolds 8D

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