

Landscape Studies

FELLOWSHIP Gardner Museum Fellowship in Landscape Studies

Maybe one day. But for now, I'll work on the the studying part.

Cool place, cool people, atop a hill overlooking Oakland & and the Bay. Today, the Landscape Horticulture Department at Merritt College announced and unveiled their AA Degree in Landscape Architecture, which would qualify someone to take board exams and acquire a CA state license to practice landscape architecture! Yes! Classes I'd like to take:

LANHT 18B: Landscape Design (Tu 1:00-3:50PM)
Principles of landscape design (primarily residential scale). Focuses on design process and definitions, legal and ethical issues and site analysis.

LANHT 210A: Landscape Design Forum (Tu 4:00-5:50PM)
Forum Emphasizing professional practices in landscape design, including review of student designs for client presentation and guest speakers in the trade. Basics of contracts and professional licensing options; development of a portfolio to market services.

LANHT 34A: Computer-Assisted Landscape Design (Tu 6:00-9:50PM)
2D drawing and editing tools; CAD orgnizational and calculation tools; personal symbol libraries; and section, elevation, and axonometric drawings.

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