

Heirlooms (Vegetables & Fruits)

Are absolutely beautiful and superior in every sense: visual, tactical, aromatic, cultural. (I don't have my pictures uploaded yet, so I'll try to process my memory into really descriptive words, eek.)

Today, I attended the 2011 National Heirloom Exposition in Sonoma, and I found myself - In the show room on sensory overload, feeling and smelling heirloom fruits and vegetables, wishing just wishing I could take a bite of that delicate, pale golden pear skin as I quaff its floral scent - Talking to this lovely man:

at the trade show about how his neighbor, the founder of Baker Creek Seed Company, started off his heirloom seed business as a boy at the age of 15, stapling xeroxed pages of his home-made seed catalog at the local copy shop - Asking the buyer of Bi-Rite Market whether similar 'community-based' markets might be viable in less fancy neighborhoods and finding that it's a difficult question to answer - Marveling at the general beauty of heirlooms in their intense colors, shapes, and smells, wondering why all food isn't this pleasurable to hold and look at - And lastly, feeling mild resentment build towards those dull cookie cutter lumps of pale vegetables and fruits at Safeway :(

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stephanie,did you take this old farmer's picture or it's just a poster? The color and shape are perfectly blended, even the farmer himself seems said aloud: I am a heirlooms!
