


ORGANIZATION Homeboy Industries: nothing stops a bullet like a job

Last Thursday, I went to see Father Gregory Boyle speak. He's the founder of Homeboy Industries in LA. Here's something that struck and stuck [as edited by my imperfect memory]: "If you stand for the right thing, you've got solidarity. If you stand in the right place, you've got kinship. It's mutual, it's geographical." I like it. What do you think?


  1. I don't understand.

  2. I did a pretty bad job of quoting and contextualizing this, but what I got out of it was: the concept of kinship as standing on the same ground as your neighbors, be they really rich or really poor or whatever, that people can learn from each other mutually regardless of situation. Father Greg works with enemy gang members by offering them jobs in LA's Homeboy Industries where they work side by side. The result has been the downfall of gangs/enemies and up-rise of skilled employees/work colleagues. Eh?
