

Compost Recipe

RECIPE Compost

pile, pile, pile. my group's was named 'Lady Elaine Fairchild' <3

the metabolization of materials by aerobic microbes = heat. if i was homeless, i'd like to sleep on a compost pile.

Compost is a secret super ingredient in the system of French intensive gardening that functions to inoculate and condition soils for successful planting. Like black, crumbly gold or dark chocolate cake. It's pretty amazing.

I n g r e d i e n t s
Greens/cut cover crop [N]
Hay bale/dried grass [C]
Horse/animal manure [C+N]

I n s t r u c t i o n s
1. Measure out a 5' by 5' space, located in a moderately sheltered area outdoors
2. Lay down a very thin layer of hay on ground surface within the 5' x 5' dimensions
3. Lightly chop up the greens with a spade & put down a 3-5" layer of it on top of the hay
4. Next, add a 3-5" layer of animal manure on top of the greens
5. Continue systematic layering, adding a light sprinkle of water atop every hay layer
6. As the pile begins to build up, occasionally pull back corners and edges with a fork to maintain square dimensions
7. Continue layering until the pile reaches roughly 4' tall
8. Finish the top with a layer of dry hay
9. Cover the entire pile with a large tarp
10. Take the temperature of the pile to monitor biological activity
11. The pile should reach upwards of 130 degree F. If the temp slows, turn the pile by re-piling it into an adjacent space
12. Let the pile sit and process for maybe 3 months or until it reminds you of black, crumbly gold or dark chocolate cake or whatnot
13. Slice and serve. Um, just kidding. Add compost to garden beds prior to planting for a nutrient & microbe boost throughout the growing season.

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