


MANIFESTO by Agnes Denes in 1969 via Radical Nature (2009) from Barbican Art Gallery

For some reason,  I'm becoming obsessed with material from the 1960s. Here is Agnes Dene's Manifesto from 1969 to loosen it up:

working with a paradox
defining the elusive
visualizing the invisible
communicating the incommunicable
not accepting the limitations society has accepted
seeing in new ways
living for a fraction of a second and penetrating light years
using intellect and instinct to achieve intuition
achieving total self-consciousness and self-awareness
being creatively obsessive
questioning, reasoning, analysing, dissection and re-examining
understanding the finitude of human existence and still striving to create
beauty and provocative reasoning
finding new concepts, recognising new patterns
desiring to know the importance or significance of existence
seeing reality and still being able to dream
persisting in the eternal search

And to pair it with Thích Nhất Hạnh's words, "love is understanding." 

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