

Good Morning

FROM October in A Sand County Almanac by Aldo Leopold:

"It would seem as if the sun were responsible for the daily retreat of reticence from the world. At any rate, by the time the mists are white over the lowlands, every rooster is bragging ad lib, and every corn shock is pretending to be twice as tall as any corn that ever grew. By sun-up every squirrel is exaggerating some fancied indignity to his person, and every jaw proclaiming with false emotion about suppositious dangers to society, at this very moment discovered by him. Distant crows are berating a hypothetical owl, just to tell the world how vigilant crows are, and a pheasant cock, musing perhaps on his philandering of bygone days, beats the air with his wings and tell the world in raucous warning that he owns this marsh and all the hens in it.

...and finally, at evening, the drone of an untended radio. Then everybody goes to bed to relearn the lessons of the night."

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