

An Ark Kit Puncture

MORE from Gordon Matta-Clark: The Space Between by James Attlee & Lisa Le Feuvre (2003):

(p. 48) 
    completion through removal
    completion through collapse
    completion through emptiness

"The word Anarchitecture itself merged two apparently conflicting sets of principles - the planned and the spontaneous, the structured and the fluid, the built and the disassembled - and by joining them together held them in balance, setting up a kind of creative tension. The continual puns the members of the Anarchitecture group made about their name - AN ARK KIT PUNCTURE, ANARCHY TORTURE, AN ARTIC LECTURE, AN ORCHID TEXTURE, AN ART COLLECTOR etc - were a demonstration of that the principle of entropy applied as much to language as to the physical world. One can no more rely on a word to retain its meaning over the years than one can a politician his integrity, a building its function or an ideology its validity. The rules that govern language - on the levels of phonetics, semantics or syntax; the divisions between words that render them legible as signs - this architecture of sound and meaning is written on water not on stone. As Duchamp had pointed out, nothing in the universe is at rest."

photos from downtown Petaluma:

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