

Fresh Off the Boat

DEFINITION "Fresh off the boat"

The phrase Fresh off the boat (FOB) is a terminology used to describe immigrants that have arrived from a foreign nation and have not yet assimilated into the host nation's culture, language, and behavior. Within some ethnic Asian circles in the United States, the phrase is considered politically incorrect and derogatory. It can also be used to describe the stereotypical behavior of new immigrants. The term originates in the early days of immigration, when people mostly migrated to other countries by ship. - Wikipedia

Being an independent adult with dirty fingernails, $7 in the bank, and an OK Cupid account that gives her the creeps is difficult in its own right, let alone being a child of immigration and unspoken tradition. It is a relief, therefore, to see other people out there so boldly confront and represent themselves without apology to anyone. 

Eddie Huang is an urban, younger, Asian-American version of Huell Howser. Sort of. Redefined, partially reclaimed, "Fresh Off the Boat."

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