

Sustainable Economies

ORGANIZATION The Sustainable Economies Law Center, SELC

I stumbled upon this organization off a friend's email signature (the stamp thing on the bottom of most emails).

"The sustainable Economies Law Center facilitates the growth of sustainable, localized, and just economies, through education, legal research, and advocacy." They currently have projects set up to guide legal development in trade & bartering systems, cooperatives, urban agriculture, local investing, and what I'm most interested in, community-supported enterprises.

I think the appeal in regional, community-supported start-ups comes out of a personal distaste for what I'd call, for lack of better words, being someone's bitch, or a tool - being used and exploited solely for someone else's personal gain without just compensation. The ability to start a business, work for good people who share similar visions/goals, or put to work unique talents & passions to the delight of others seems like a very exciting and empowering kind of thing that could be instrumental in building more secure, sustainable communities.

I guess what I'm saying is.. it might be fun to start business planning?

PHOTOS from our market cart

Off Bay & High Street on Tues & Fri, 12-6pm. A practice of direct marketing:

Blackberries! They are my favorite.

My market cart coordinator buddies :)

Flower arrangement = addiction.


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