

LA - Literally Glows

INTERVIEW Mike Davis in Conversation with Jennifer Wolch and Dana Cuff via Boom California

Davis: "Gee, you shouldn’t be disheartened by my books on LA. They’re just impassioned polemics on the necessity of the urban left. And my third LA book, Magical Urbanism, literally glows with optimism about the grassroots renaissance going on in our immigrant neighborhoods."

Questions on  -

negotiating developer and public agendas by tactic of design 
(in reference to Frank Gehry's Disney Concert Hall)

a free spirit in the space of the city
(in reference to the city's capacity to support safely roaming children)

toolkits as alternative to master plans
(in reference to the agency of disciplines)

elite fear of common people
(in reference to the revitalization of downtowns)

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