

vegetables and plants

BOOK Labyrinths: Selected Stories and Other Writings by Jorge Luis Borges (1964)

p. 89  "The execution was set for March 29th, at 9:00 A.M. This delay (whose importance the reader will grasp later) was owing to the desire on the authorities' part to proceed impersonally and slowly, after the manner of vegetables and plants."

- themes for delightful mind bending -

probability and infinity
working dream
false time

p. 91  "Hladik felt the verse form to be essential because it makes it impossible for the spectators to lose sight of irreality, one of art's requisites."

- fun thoughts on irreality -


All time was occurring in a simultaneous moment.
All time was occurring in imagination. 
All time was encapsulated in memory.

Part of the time was occurring in a simultaneous moment, the rest was part of a linear history somehow.
Part of the time was occurring in imagination, the rest was purely physical somehow.
Part of the time was encapsulated in memory, the rest was never captured somehow.

All space was occurring in a simultaneous moment.
All space was occurring in imagination.
All space was encapsulated in memory. 

Part of space was occurring in a simultaneous moment, the rest was part of a linear history somehow.
Part of space was occurring in imagination, the rest was purely physical somehow.
Part of space was encapsulated in memory, the rest was never captured somehow.

All experience was occurring in a simultaneous moment.
All experience was occurring in imagination.
All experience was encapsulated in memory.

Part of experience was occurring in a simultaneous moment, the rest was part of a linear history somehow.
Part of experience was occurring in imagination, the rest was purely physical somehow.
Part of experience was encapsulated in memory, the rest was never captured somehow. 

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