

UC strike

EXCERPT from my inbox - UC Strike

The UC Student-Workers union's lawyers and labor consultant have been unequivocal: as student employees, working in the higher education sector in California, whose previous contract has expired, UC graduate student instructors, readers, and undergraduate tutors now have the legal right to engage in Wednesday’s sympathy strike.  

But this is not the story that the Vice Chancellor and certain department chairs have been telling graduate students. I’ve heard from some graduate students that they’ve been told that they cannot strike because Wednesday’s action is a sympathy strike, and from others that they’ve been told they cannot strike because the action is not a sympathy strike. Some, having received these messages from their advisors and fearful of retaliation, are concerned about their academic standing should they strike. Faulty, illegal, contradictory information about labor law is being passed off as the truth and passed on to graduate students as a way to confuse them and to intimidate them from engaging in legally protected collective action.

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