


QUOTES from The Dharma Bums by Jack Kerouac and The Ecology of Magic by David Abram

Happen to be reading both these things. Also, in honor of the acres of grass field in the backyard that was mowed yesterday, with its season of hidden nooks and swaying in the wind:

"Magic in its perhaps most primordial sense, is the experience of existing in a world made up of multiple intelligences, the intuition that every form one perceives - from the swallow swooping overhead to the fly on a blade of grass, and indeed the blade of grass itself - is an experiencing form, an entity with its own predilections and sensations, albeit sensations that are very different from our own."  The Ecology of Magic

"... in that colyacolor wall of flowers pink and red and ivory white, among aviaries of magic transcendent birds recognizing my awakening mind with sweet weird cries (the pathless lark), in the ethereal perfume, mysteriously ancient, the bliss of the Buddha-fields, I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted."  The Dharma Bums

1 comment:

  1. "... the Truth set us free............."
    "...In Him, everything is possible....."

