

Film Festival in San Jose

FESTIVAL Cinequest Film Festival 22

' n e v e r e n d i n g p a s s i o n '

Found a guide to the Cinequest Film Festival on the dining room table today... go San Jose!

February 28 - March 11, 2012 @ downtown San Jose
$10 general per film, $5 students (student ID 4ever!)

H i g h l i g h t s :

Thursday, March 1st, 7:30PM @ Camera 12 Cinemas
Shorts 1: Beginning, Middle, End: 6 shorts to remind that life is beautiful, painful, difficult, but most of all, a blessing.

Saturday, March 3rd, 7PM @ California Theatre
Let the Bullets Fly: Machiavellian mind games, a twisted vendetta, and high-octane gun slinging...

Saturday, March 3rd, 4:15PM @ Camera 12 Cinemas
Unfinished Spaces: Three brilliant architects reveal a different Cuban revolution.

Sunday, March 4th, 1:15PM @ Camera 12 Cinemas
Shorts 4: Animated Worlds: Why accept our reality as the only one?

Saturday, March 10th, 11aAM-12:30PM @ Camera 12 Cinemas
Youth Voices: films by youth on 'issues'

Sunday, March 11th, 11aAM-3PM @ California Theatre
Encore Day: gourmet food trucks + award winning films

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