

Always Jane Jacobs

MASNYC, the Municipal Arts Society of New York, "fights for a more livable New York, and advocates for intelligent urban planning, design, and preservation."

I think if I'm to have any long term goal in my life, it's to be on the level of a Jane Jacob Medalist: someone who can cleverly transform a problem into an asset.

"You can make absolutely a difference. You just have to understand what your talents and skills are, identify a problem or concern you have and are committed to, and you can begin to make a difference." - Peggy Shepard

"We're not looking for people to give us things. In the end that perpetuates a cycle of disempowerment. We're looking to be respected as engaged citizens of this city in determining what is best for ourselves, our future, in partnership with policymakers, agency heads, and elected officials." - Alexie Torres-Fleming


  1. (Not post related.)

    I'm in a workshop about science communication. We're talking about blogging. I remembered yours. It's come a long way since I stopped in last. :) Still thinking about this "Only in Berkeley/Ithaca" thread...

  2. Elaine, DO IT! It's original, funny, and you'd be able to share it with the rest of us! Do. It.
