


disbelief at rents
and a fantasy zillow search
renders a

mouse in a maze
girl in a phase
coast in a craze


4" steps exist

breakfast sausage egg mcmuffin coffee with one cream
lunch first a latte with a hair in it, second a latte without hair, for free
snack stupid sourdough toast with hard cold butter and two plastic tabs of 'fruit jam'

three miles of slow walking to and fro up and down Santa Monica pier, beach, and city hall measuring comfortable 4" steps which do exist, perfect retaining walls two feet by five inches for sort of leaning against, admiring some perfect public beach house after the latte with the stray hair, free parking, and now five hours refreshed.

one hundred and forty nine days until I graduate is one day less than one hundred and fifty.


we're walking in the air

ANIMATION The Snowman (1982) 

colored pencil flyby scenes

"The Snowman was"



PLACES Los Angeles Berkeley Seattle

orange   green   grey   pink


light at end of unlit tunnel

LAST Studio
This past semester, I got to make a chair, many triangles, and a few squares. With ups and downs and all-over-the-places, the studio experience has been nothing short of indescribable. Sometimes it feels like torture, sometimes the most delightful thing - design studio is a strange and special place to be - a pleasure and a pain.



life's short


Poet of the Streets

EXCERPT from Poet of the Streets by Jack Micheline, 1960

a poet walks in the cold wind
his head raised humble and unafraid
death around him filled with waste and banners
death all around him
walking alone with birds above the canoe shaped moons
sounds are heard and the sky glows in darkness
I am not afraid.


Fire and Memory

BOOK Fire and Memory: On Architecture and Energy by Luis Fernandez-Galiano translated by Gina Carino, 2000

p. 59
"natural processes alter the homogeneity of mechanical time: flowers open and close at different hours of the day, and the branches of a tree bloom on different days, depending on their cardinal position."

In relation to a call beyond mechanistic thinking, student of Rudolf Steiner, Alan Chadwick, references biodynamic theory where "none of the planets and the stars have been in the same position. The whole aspect of them is different. The whole story is a new story."



Remember dreaming in color and joy
Don't filter or desaturate it
Let them move in accidental life
And love in ridiculous wonder


This to That

SCHOOLS + space

Researching the lineage of spatial patterns in schools and places of learning in cities. The research goes all over the place, from Foucault's Discipline and Punish, the Industrial Revolution, to the cool schools of the Netherlands.

Site here and listen, please.


poem for anxiety

POEM for anxiety - The Peace of Wild Things by Wendell Berry

When despair grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought
of grief. I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting for their light. For a time
I rest in the grace of the world, and am free.

Wendell Berry



MEALS Josephine - Home cooked meals in the East Bay

I remember when I was little and hanging out in Taiwan with my grandpa, he took me to play tennis. We played, and I tired out with side cramps pretty quickly. After that, he drove me on his motor scooter and we stopped at someone's apartment. It was someone's kitchen, and everyone was familiar. We ate rice noodles and it was a nice place, like a friend's house. My grandpa paid and we left.

On Friday, I'll be doing the same thing, but in the present day through this Josephine website. I don't know why it's a person's name, but what ever. I'm looking forward to having a special meal that I didn't cook, and for once not eating grad school food truck caffeine food. While supporting my friend and my stomach soul of course.


schools cities learning play

COLLAGE of childhood and cities

Did this set for class with my parallel studio partner for // actions x // places in reference to schools, cities, learning, and play. Looking back, I'm grateful to have had all of that and I still do, thanks to good parents and good fortune. 



BOOK East of Eden by John Steinbeck (1952)

Reluctantly, I came to the last page of the book this morning. It seems as though it's taken just about 55 years to read, in a good way. There are too many good quotes to quote, so I won't because I don't have to. Is that the point?


risk, opportunity

BRAINSTORM list of words

fire, flood









urban-rural as f(disturbance, order)
urban-rural, order-reorder, whole
snapshot conditions, rates of change
mosaic v linear bands, scale 0 to 

how can a serious problem be made into an asset through design?
how can a set of risks be co-opted?
how can multiple scales be communicated instantaneously?



ALCHEMY of thoughts and things

After all, letting the unlit processes of the subconscious matter to turn and bind in our sleep; allowing for the formation of thoughts and things for our rational minds to have for breakfast when we awaken. 


CASFS catsfists

FARM & GARDEN Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems CASFS

This is where I learned about poetry and met a few cool cats:


most of all

most of all

via Tom Robbins' Still Life with Woodpecker:

"Yes, and I love the trite mythos of the outlaw. I love the self-conscious romanticism of the outlaw. I love the black wardrobe of the outlaw. I love the fey smile of the outlaw. I love the tequila of the outlaw and the beans of the outlaw. I love the way respectable men sneer and say 'outlaw.' I love the way young women palpitate and say 'outlaw.' The outlaw boat sails against the flow, and I love it. Outlaws toilet where badgers toilet, and I love it. All outlaws are photogenic, and I love that. 'When freedom is outlawed, only outlaws will be free': that's a graffito seen in Anacortes, and I love that. There are outlaw maps that lead to outlaw treasures, and I love those maps especially. 
Unwilling to wait for mankind to improve, the outlaw lives as if that day were here, and I love that most of all."



January - Hope Language School - Miaoli - Taiwan 

March - Vertical Cities Studio - Pinnacle at Duxton - Singapore
April - Lowell Park - Oakland - California
May - Carrizo Plain - California

1960s - Fairchild Business Trip - Malaysia - Singapore

May - Landworks - Argenteria - Sardinia

June - Forestry Camp - Meadow Valley - California
August - Bahay Kubo - Union City - California
September - Wurster Hall - Berkeley - California


Neighbors Barbecue

how to be a poet
says to let words come out of silence

so the fleas are flying out from nowhere
so I'll ignore it and it doesn't bother me

play some eighties music around the fire
after a barbecue dinner off highway 70

on a warm evening of dry lightning
sugar pine cones drop like bocce balls

bitten off by Douglas squirrels
our shoulders safe for now


Big Idea

BIG IDEA Bahay Kubo 'Little Hut'

It's been a longtime dream of my friend, Aileen, to set up a "little hut," a place to practice culturally rooted gardening and cooking with Filipino-American youth. Once a vision, it's now materializing as an official, first place Big Idea. "Tradition is invented."


Oak Land

NURSERY Oak Land Nursery at Lowell Park


Under Tables

Lying down on the     carpet
The smell of                 wood



FLOWER FARMS Bluma and B-Side

One flower
   on the cliffside
Nodding at the canyon



photoshop is my friend

Quick competition sketch: photo of clay model, stolen bridge, and bats! 


83 Prosthetic Supports

83 students made 83 prosthetic supports for their 83 oak seedlings


Heavy light barely floating on the floor
Almost no wonder is there any more

Yet weightless cupboards sit high in the air
And thought softens like butter, melts into a chair


Desire Lines

HIKE Desire Trails

In my inbox today via Merritt Horticulture's Landscape Design Forum: Desire Trails, a Sunday walk hosted by the Headlands Center for the Arts in Marin.

"where the ground becomes imprinted evidence of a place that wants to be discovered"

And in my personal mental box, desires to build a massive, daunting thing out of sticks and things, with a bit of color, frenetic pieces looking like they are decomposing from a mass very straight, and lots of light filtered, dappled, and omitted. Which leads me right back, to the Headlands.


83 Red Curtains

83 students made 83 curtains