

invisible backpack

INSIDE Backpack

I found my invisible backpack today. A dog brought it to me, held between its teeth. Opened it up, surprised, and found that it's been quietly collecting a number of things for some time now.

Familiar bits and pieces that have been picked up over the years, packed into this backpack I had never seen before. Confused, I turned to find my visible backpack still sitting on the table where I set it just minutes ago. It is plain and sturdy, carefully constructed to endure the climate. I looked inside, surprised again. Little boxes and gift wrap. Packaging materials, in patterns and colors that perfectly coordinated with each item in the invisible backpack. 

Slightly horrified, I start a small fire. 

capable of science only


little quote

LITTLE QUOTE from Oscar Wilde

Do you really think it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations which it requires strength, strength and courage to yield to. 


Everett Family Farm

GARDEN Everett Family Farm CSA Garden

Sky, Zoe, and David run Everett Family Farm in Soquel, CA. They are the coolest young good-looking skilled organic farmers around. This Saturday afternoon, we'll be building an herb and flower garden exclusively for their CSA program members - a place for members to access a fully-stocked garden with rosemary, lavender, blossoms, and other useful plants that necessarily define, in my opinion, a higher quality of life. Come for a visit. 

CSA Garden Work Party
6/9 Saturday 2:30-5:30PM @ 2111 Old San Jose Road in Soquel

Farm stand, honor system-operated. Opened Tuesday through Sunday, 9AM-6PM.

CSA garden - site. Persimmon orchard in the background.

CSA garden - draft plan. Stuff in my head -> work work work -> real place. Hopefully.