


COMPLETED #1, Dumpster dive for food

Although I came out with just one fancy cantaloupe, snooping around the parking lots, devising plans to hop fences, and quietly climbing into dumpsters with my fellow culprits made quite the night. And not a speck of grime.

The point of dumpster diving? To save usable material from becoming waste - this includes taking stuff out of a "free" box off the street corner, to gathering French baguettes from a bakery's dumpster bin at the end of the day. I'm not big into the freegan subculture personally, but I like the end goal: to conserve material and live unaccordingly to mass industrial production and waste. It's harmless, really, just finding creative ways to divert wasted materials into useful things. Or tasty things?


Bucket List

LIST 1-12

Actually, it's a "to-do before the age of twenty five" list; a joint production thought up with a friend. Two years left. Interested? I am seriously down to do any of these.



UNLIKELY COMBINATION Winnie-the-Pooh & White Italian Wine

The simple pleasures of both, enjoyed sitting next to the window on a Sunday evening, as dusk and sun set. Feeling ever so comfortable.

WINE STORE Vintage Berkeley

Tasty, quality stuff at quite affordable prices. Italian white: $9. Can be found on Vine/Walnut and College/Ashby.

BOOK STORE Half Price Books

Awesome, just awesome. An independent book store chain that buys, sells, and recycles all kinds of books. The House at Pooh Corner: $3.59. Can be found on Shattuck/Addison.

(Plus, they've got a dollar clearance section in the back where I once found a Spanish manuscript of "Un Judio, Hoy," signed by Elie Weisel himself!)


Underground Market

Saturday, July 24th, 11am - midnight @ SOMArts
Presale tickets, $2 and $5

A once-a-month event where you can taste and purchase food that's produced in backyards and home kitchens in the Bay. The SF Underground Market is an incubator; a place where budding businesses can get a leg up on their road to legitimacy without a horribly expensive commercial kitchen.

Things you might find: Jewish deli fare, pulled pork, Hawaiian baked goods, jams from locally foraged fruits, hot chai, salumi), sweet breads, foccacia, Macaron Parisian maca, and more.


4th of July

HOLIDAY Independence Day

A room full of lookers, 1776.

Fireworks, bang! BBQ, yum! Patriotism, alright! Declaration of Independence, cool!


Glad she was born.


Berkeley Farmers' Market

FOOD Berkeley Farmers' Market

Saturdays 10am to 3pm, Center/MLK: Blue Bottle Coffee booth, $10 orchids, Mexican Food, Three Twins Ice Cream, Less pretentious

Tuesdays 2pm - 7pm, Derby/MLK: I'm not sure, I don't really go to this one. Two is enough for me.

Thursdays 3pm - 7pm, Shattuck/Rose: Ici Ice Cream, All organic produce, $1.50 bunches of kale and chard, Two blocks from my house

Watch out for the Berkeley Student Food Collective. We'll be tabling on Saturdays throughout the summer, with posters, shirts, and bags. Come say hi - I'll probably say hi back.