Dear Bank of America,
I hate you with all my heart and soul. That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but of all the relationships I've had with legal individuals, mine with you has been the worst yet. Wasted is my time, money, and tears on patchy customer service, inconsistent policies, and that bland red, blue, and grey company image. I've been with you since I was 16, and the day has come, seven years later, to say goodbye forever. Goodbye, forever :)
PS. I'm now with Patelco Credit Union, treating me better with 5% on my new CD. Ha!
Stephanie Lin
PS. I'm now with Patelco Credit Union, treating me better with 5% on my new CD. Ha!
RECEIVER OF COMPLAINTS Federal Trade Commission
The Federal Trade Commission was originally set up to protect market competition. Current tag line: "protecting America's consumers." If you ever want to bitch about anything as a consumer, you can fill out the "complaint assistant" form online. Maybe someone will read it?