

Arrested Development

Take home message: take care of the kids.

childhood + nurture/safety --> healthy development
childhood + neglect/stress --> arrested development

Mechanisms: dopamine release/suppression


Tom Tom


wasting time in socal and can't get enough of this sound.


Birds and Trees

VENUE Birdland

resident puppy

Free community BBQ and jazz session every Friday night (8PM-2AM) at Mike's house across from the North Berkeley Bart station. Hosted by a local artist, Birdland is what I call an efficient use of garage space. Upon entering: the smell of grilled scallops, the sound of live Cuban jazz, the feel of something nostalgic and more real than the rest. Birdland also houses hundreds of handcrafted bird houses in the back, making for a surreal sight.

Mike's life advice to me: always be giving in life and [in reference to starting Birdland] don't ask for permission, just do it.

Sun-Sat, 12/5-12/11, 8AM-5PM
Mulford Hall, Berkeley Campus

They are real trees from the forest understory hand cut by Cal students for the sake of holiday cheer and fundraising. For sale: trees $6 per foot, wreathes $10-25 each, bunches of mistletoe, baby trees, pine cones 'n more.


Public space Place

That's P L A C E MAKER, not PEACEMAKER, nor PACEMAKER. PPS is helping to develop the design of vital public spaces via research, education, and partnership, with the mission to create and sustain public places that build communities. Nine project areas: parks, transportation, markets, downtowns, civic centers, multi-use, campuses, squares, and waterfronts. When was the last time you had fun in such an area?

STREET FESTIVAL Ciclovia: Bogotá, Colombia
Bogotá is a big city, the capital of Colombia. Apparently, every year, 56,000 accidents and 900 deaths occur every year via notoriously bad traffic and congestion. In response, the city has set up a massive, weekly street festival called Ciclovia. Every Sunday, 70 miles of main streets are closed off from 7AM - 2PM for pedestrians, cyclists, and skaters. The city even hosts free exercise classes on aerobics, zumba, and stretching to encourage families to exercise. This simple solution is able to address a whole slew of urban problems all at once: obesity, high stress, unsafe streets, social isolation and fragmentation, pollution, etc. Genius. Cities around the world have adopted similar festivals. Oakland had its first one in June, called Oaklavia, and Los Angeles had its first one last month, called CicLAvia.

"Documenting livable streets worldwide." See what's going on in the world's major cities! Reminds me of Jane Jacobs, who wrote "The Life and Death of Great American Cities." She was a non-academic writer, considered one of the most influential thinkers in modern day urban planning. I like her! <3


Come On In

GRAND OPENING N o v e m b e r F i f t e e n t h

Next Monday! @ 2440 Bancroft Way near Telegraph Ave.

CLOSING NOTE Blah blah blah

I majored in Society & Environment, a pair that encompasses sort of everything. I took classes that showed me the horrors of social and environmental doom and gloom that eventually led to these tiny concentrated feelings of depression, cynicism, and slight helplessness. I mean, so what if millions of people are suffering from contaminated water and so what if every bite of deliciously seared tuna comes with a bit of mercury? What are you even supposed to do about that?

So I've become inspired by the little stories of people trying to do their best to make things better in their own homes and communities. I don't even think we are truly capable of doing too much more. To care for and find joy in your own home, friends, and family and practicing what you can to do best by them. Starting there, it's hard enough, but I think it's a necessary step. Because from there, practice can be extended to neighbors, new friends, to the greater community, and beyond.

That's why I'm really happy to see the Food Collective open next Monday, before I leave Berkeley. It's served as a model for me, where good-intentioned people who care about stuff can really go a long way, even if what they've created isn't too fancy. This is true of many projects I've been lucky enough to be part of over the past five years. It just has to work, and it doesn't have to make a global impact over night. In fact, I don't think anything can, except maybe a strategically catastrophic string of unexpected natural disasters across the globe...

Anyways, the point is: I hope that people don't loose hope in the things they care for, because then we wouldn't have those groups of people all around the world who care and create and keep us alive in whatever little way they do. I think this is the conclusion I'm gonna leave Berkeley with for now :)


Cezanne and Beyond

Van Gogh's Reaper, 1889. I wish I was here.

Post-impressionist exhibit at the de Young Museum of Fine Arts at Golden Gate Park. The exhibit of 120 paintings is being borrowed from the
Musée d’Orsay's permanent collection as they undergo renovations in Paris. The de Young now, or Paris later? $21 for students.

Friday night at the de Young

Nov 5th and Jan 14th
Free admission 5-8:45pm plus music, etc.
[excludes the post-impressionist exhibit, lame!]


It's Fall, Finally

HAPPY Halloween!

jack-o-lantern on bike

jack-o-lantern on window sill

Had nothing to do tonight, so I carved this guy up for the neighborhood kids. I think it looks hungry... and angry, not unlike myself at times.

THAT'S SO BERKELEY 11/12, 11/13, 11/20

Friday, November 12th, 6pm
Downtown Berkeley Bart

Saturday, November 13th, 8pm
Shattuck Downlow $15

Saturday, November 20th
Silent auction & open bar $25+
Full dinner event $50+

Auction line up includes: Chez Panisse, Cesar, SF Ballet, Ici Ice Cream, and lots more.


Bicycle Party Weekend

BIKE RIDE Berkeley Critical Mass + East Bay Bike Party

Port of Oakland

6pm. Started off at the Berkeley Bart. Few cyclists, maybe 20, showed up. We left for a loop through South Side, taking up traffic lanes and sparking tension on the streets. I didn't really like that part [the tension-sparking]. Drivers honked out of love, some out of hate, real hate. What I did like was the ability to let loose on the road as a cyclist, riding with blasting music off an excellent playlist prepared by a guy named Josiah, who towed some really massive speakers. Rode through to Downtown Oakland, rode around Lake Merritt all lit up, and ended up at the 19th Street Bart.

8pm. The end of the Critical Mass ride marked the beginning of the East Bay Bike Party, also the 2nd Friday of every month. This month's theme: zombies. There were at least 300 riders and 30 sound systems on this ride, with bike mob gangs of all genres. Rode through Downtown, Jack London Square, out to the Port of Oakland, and back Downtown.


The rules: the first one to fall off, get out of bounds, or reach the end of the stretch, loses. The goal: bike slower than your competitor. The races were held on Saturday at a friend's place in Oakland. Free beer, forty spirited competitors, and one winner (not me).

STOLEN My Dear Bicycle

The end of the weekend became the end of me and my bicycle. Stolen off the Bart station rack in Downtown Berkeley, a beautiful Fuji Palisade hybrid bike. Lesson learned - don't trust :(

In the two weeks since, however, I've gotten myself a replacement - a used Bianchi road bike! :)

Looking forward to another weekend of bike-related activities, perhaps one that doesn't involve theft or loss. Future rides:
Friday, October 29th, 5:30 on Market Street - SF Critical Mass
Friday, November 12th, TBA - East Bay Bike Party, Theme: Pirates


Another One

MARKET East Bay Underground Market

Saturday, October 8th, 5-11pm
24th/Broadway in Oakland

Vendors w/Notable Names:
Bacon Hot Sauce - Bacon Flavored Hot Sauce -
Fat Alley Foods - Fried Chicken & Gumbo -
Evil Jerk Cart - Chicken, Coconut Rice & Beans, Vegan stew -
Hella Vegan Eats - Tacos, Ceviche, Horchata -

More Vendors:
Boffo Cart Piadini - panini, grilled peaches w/goat cheese
Sweet Francisco tarts – cream puffs -
Sugartit Kitchens - Southern pastries, pickles & caramel corn -

Alice’s Kitchen - peach BBQ & fig balsamic reduction


Kelp Bed

FORAGING for Seaweed is Fun

This weekend, I headed down to Santa Cruz for some tidal pool exploration. Some highlights included: being swept into and out of a sea cave via tumultuous tides, crawling across a thick bed of kelp for kicks, and of course, eating sea-salted seaweed straight out of the ocean itself. I felt like I was exploring the most colorful playground with free snacks floating around with sea anemone and all. I highly recommend it!



LIVE SHOW Get Mortified

Old diary excerpts, love letters, and media created before the age of 21, performed by their now grown-up creators. Featuring innocence, angst, and otherwise forgotten moments of youth.

Friday, 10/22 in SF @ the Make-Out Room, $12
Saturday, 10/22 in SF @ the Make-Out Room, $12

Hosted by Ira Glass, featuring all kinds of interesting and personable stories having to do with any human experience you can think up. Like, a woman who mistakenly thinks she's gay, or a Hasidic Jew turned underground rocker, or a 13-year old girl addicted to coke. Yeah!

Act One: That's Funny, You Don't Look Jewish
Act Two: Miami Vices - A Mortified recording



FOOD COLLECTIVE The only grocery coop in Berkeley

Of all its lovely anti-everything rhetoric and STOP driving signs running around in Berkeley, where is its food coop? This October will mark the opening of the first one since 1987 :)



Hardly Strictly

FREE Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival

Jenny Lewis & Jonathan Rice

Friday October 3rd to Sunday October 5th
Speedway Meadow @ Golden Gate Park

Who I want to see: Jenny & Johnny, Gillian Welch, and MC Hammer (?)

Band names I like: Bonnie Prince Billy & the Cairo Gang, Hot Tuna Electric, and Yonder Mountain String Band


Critical Mass

BIKE RIDE Critical Mass

The next one leaves from the Downtown Berkeley Bart on Friday, October 8th at 6PM.


Lease Signed

GRAND OPENING Berkeley Student Food Collective

$5 Burger: red and yellow onions from Pinnacle Farm, cilantro from Catalan Farm, kaiser roll from Semifreddi, and chanterelle mushrooms wild harvested from a friend.

We've been working hard all summer long. Now we have a store: 2440 Bancroft Way off Telegraph Avenue - a place to get your Thanksgiving coffee in the morning, Hella Vegan tamales for lunch, and fresh local produce for home. 100% local/organic/fair trade/affordable.





The bathhouse with green clover roof.

Apprenticeships in Communal Eldercare, Ecoforestry, and Permaculture & Natural Building at the Mountain Homestead. In the midst of 365 acres of preserved temperate rainforest in coastal Oregon. Completely off grid with micro-hydro and photovoltaic systems. Gravity fed water. Food locally sourced. All buildings built with local materials. Income from commercial Eco-Forestry. It's too much.


Goats for clearing invasive exotic weeds.

The Occidental Arts and Ecology Center has five internships available annually: two in the garden, two in the administrative office, and one in site maintenance.

Founded in 1994 by a group of biologists, horticulturists, educators, activists, and artists. Center’s work addresses the challenges of creating democratic communities that are ecologically, economically and culturally sustainable in an increasingly privatized and corporatized economy and culture. Combines research, demonstration, education, and organizing to develop collaborative, community-based strategies for positive social change and effective environmental stewardship. Didn't know corporatized was a word.


Alan Chadwick, founder of the UCSC student garden

The Center for Agroecology & Sustainable Food Systems offers practical as well as academic training in the techniques of agroecology and organic farming and gardening. The Apprenticeship in Ecological Horticulture is the oldest of the Center's programs, offering hands-on training at the UCSC Farm and Alan Chadwick Garden. I'm applying this month! :D


Forty Dollar Day

LIST Of Things Consumed last Saturday

$2 French pastry that seriously weighed maybe half a pound! don't know why.
$2 coffee I think I'm developing a delicious addiction to this stuff. trying. to. resist.
$0 five flights of wine we hit up Sonoma with a stack of coupons.
$4 flight of French champagne 'twas bubbly.
$12 bottle of muscat sweet and fruity, like mango sorbetto.
$5 half a curried chicken sandwich from a fancy touristy market. curry plus mayonnaise, though, that's good stuff.
$5 shared picnic things: brie, smoked gouda, chocolate, plums, cherries, and almond thins 'cause Berkeley Bowl's the best, ever.
$2 entrance to the East Bay Underground Market very Bay Area ["Bayrea"], nice damned progressive Bayrea atmosphere
$5 adobo chicken bowl = goodness goodness goodness out of a Filipino grandma's crock-pot.
$4 vegan black bean tamale w/quinoa cruelty-free tamales from "Hella Vegan Eats."
$2 plate of pickled veggies from a Himalayan food stand.
$1 cup of sugar cane juice in a cup of disappointing size.


First Ever

MARKET East Bay Underground Market

The first ever in the East Bay.

food/music/drink > empty parking lot

This Saturday, August 7th, 5-11pm
@ the parking lot of 24th/Broadway, Downtown Oakland (near Chinatown I think)
$2 at the door + online waiver

There'll be live music, maybe beer/wine, vegan tamales, salsas and ice cream, Vietnamese pancakes, homemade mac n' cheese, liquor cakes, pulled pork sandwiches, 'n more.



COMPLETED #1, Dumpster dive for food

Although I came out with just one fancy cantaloupe, snooping around the parking lots, devising plans to hop fences, and quietly climbing into dumpsters with my fellow culprits made quite the night. And not a speck of grime.

The point of dumpster diving? To save usable material from becoming waste - this includes taking stuff out of a "free" box off the street corner, to gathering French baguettes from a bakery's dumpster bin at the end of the day. I'm not big into the freegan subculture personally, but I like the end goal: to conserve material and live unaccordingly to mass industrial production and waste. It's harmless, really, just finding creative ways to divert wasted materials into useful things. Or tasty things?


Bucket List

LIST 1-12

Actually, it's a "to-do before the age of twenty five" list; a joint production thought up with a friend. Two years left. Interested? I am seriously down to do any of these.



UNLIKELY COMBINATION Winnie-the-Pooh & White Italian Wine

The simple pleasures of both, enjoyed sitting next to the window on a Sunday evening, as dusk and sun set. Feeling ever so comfortable.

WINE STORE Vintage Berkeley

Tasty, quality stuff at quite affordable prices. Italian white: $9. Can be found on Vine/Walnut and College/Ashby.

BOOK STORE Half Price Books

Awesome, just awesome. An independent book store chain that buys, sells, and recycles all kinds of books. The House at Pooh Corner: $3.59. Can be found on Shattuck/Addison.

(Plus, they've got a dollar clearance section in the back where I once found a Spanish manuscript of "Un Judio, Hoy," signed by Elie Weisel himself!)


Underground Market

Saturday, July 24th, 11am - midnight @ SOMArts
Presale tickets, $2 and $5

A once-a-month event where you can taste and purchase food that's produced in backyards and home kitchens in the Bay. The SF Underground Market is an incubator; a place where budding businesses can get a leg up on their road to legitimacy without a horribly expensive commercial kitchen.

Things you might find: Jewish deli fare, pulled pork, Hawaiian baked goods, jams from locally foraged fruits, hot chai, salumi), sweet breads, foccacia, Macaron Parisian maca, and more.


4th of July

HOLIDAY Independence Day

A room full of lookers, 1776.

Fireworks, bang! BBQ, yum! Patriotism, alright! Declaration of Independence, cool!


Glad she was born.


Berkeley Farmers' Market

FOOD Berkeley Farmers' Market

Saturdays 10am to 3pm, Center/MLK: Blue Bottle Coffee booth, $10 orchids, Mexican Food, Three Twins Ice Cream, Less pretentious

Tuesdays 2pm - 7pm, Derby/MLK: I'm not sure, I don't really go to this one. Two is enough for me.

Thursdays 3pm - 7pm, Shattuck/Rose: Ici Ice Cream, All organic produce, $1.50 bunches of kale and chard, Two blocks from my house

Watch out for the Berkeley Student Food Collective. We'll be tabling on Saturdays throughout the summer, with posters, shirts, and bags. Come say hi - I'll probably say hi back.


Bank of America, I hate you with all my heart and soul

RANT Goodbye Bank of America

Dear Bank of America,

I hate you with all my heart and soul. That may be a bit of an exaggeration, but of all the relationships I've had with legal individuals, mine with you has been the worst yet. Wasted is my time, money, and tears on patchy customer service, inconsistent policies, and that bland red, blue, and grey company image. I've been with you since I was 16, and the day has come, seven years later, to say goodbye forever. Goodbye, forever :)

Stephanie Lin

PS. I'm now with Patelco Credit Union, treating me better with 5% on my new CD. Ha!

RECEIVER OF COMPLAINTS Federal Trade Commission

The Federal Trade Commission was originally set up to protect market competition. Current tag line: "protecting America's consumers." If you ever want to bitch about anything as a consumer, you can fill out the "complaint assistant" form online. Maybe someone will read it?


Collective Propaganda

New posters. We'll be giving them out at various events this summer, along with hand-sewn logo canvas bags, buttons, and screen-printed organic shirts.