

Poet of the Streets

EXCERPT from Poet of the Streets by Jack Micheline, 1960

a poet walks in the cold wind
his head raised humble and unafraid
death around him filled with waste and banners
death all around him
walking alone with birds above the canoe shaped moons
sounds are heard and the sky glows in darkness
I am not afraid.


Fire and Memory

BOOK Fire and Memory: On Architecture and Energy by Luis Fernandez-Galiano translated by Gina Carino, 2000

p. 59
"natural processes alter the homogeneity of mechanical time: flowers open and close at different hours of the day, and the branches of a tree bloom on different days, depending on their cardinal position."

In relation to a call beyond mechanistic thinking, student of Rudolf Steiner, Alan Chadwick, references biodynamic theory where "none of the planets and the stars have been in the same position. The whole aspect of them is different. The whole story is a new story."



Remember dreaming in color and joy
Don't filter or desaturate it
Let them move in accidental life
And love in ridiculous wonder


This to That

SCHOOLS + space

Researching the lineage of spatial patterns in schools and places of learning in cities. The research goes all over the place, from Foucault's Discipline and Punish, the Industrial Revolution, to the cool schools of the Netherlands.

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