

Celia Thaxter

BOOK An Island Garden by Celia Thaxter

And so the ripe year wanes. From turfy slopes afar the breeze brings delicious, pungent, spicy odors from the wild Everlasting flowers, and the mushrooms are pearly in the grass. I gather the seed-pods in the garden beds, sharing their bounty with the birds I love so well, for there are enough and to spare for us all. Soon will set in the fitful weather, with fierce gales and sullen skies and frosty air, and it will be time to tuck up safely my Roses and Lilies and the rest for their long winter sleep beneath the snow, where I never forget them, but ever dream of their wakening in happy summers yet to be. (last page)


Mini Farm Plot

ARTICLE 'Gill Tract Project may feed many' op-ed by Miguel Altieri

For our 15 rows, a crop plan:


Thank goodness, but still.

STUDENT LOAN RATES Info via Daily Cal Article

Getting this degree feels like taking out a sketchy bet on a 'horse named tripod'. I hope this feeling changes. Rate signed off on August 9th:


Landscape Infrastructure

CURRICULUM/REFERENCE Landscape Infrastructure Event (GSD 2012)

Before I get swamped with school, I'm attempting to focus on what it is that I'd like to be able to do after graduating. Landscape infrastructure comes up as a topic that is pretty key, requiring re-evaluations of all-encompassing processes that control and distribute the resources that we live with (so vague!) I guess I'd like to work on breaking down and diversifying elements of this infrastructure so that it is more responsive and resilient like any living thing?


metabolic rift
urban-rural dynamics
material flow & accumulation
biological, ecological infrastructure & diversity
political, social, economic, framework barriers
risk & mitigation

The idea is to inoculate places with small efforts to open up and break down status quo processes of producing, consuming, and living (metabolization). Haha, like a good winter cover crop mixture of rye, vetch, and bell beans to break up and enrich that old crusty topsoil. 


Small Is Beautiful

BOOK Small is Beautiful (Economics as if People Mattered) by E.F. Schumacher

A paperback sits on the coffee table
It says it was printed in the eighties.
The library pocket notes: stained, worn. 

Professor the cat comes over
Says hello, is happy, nudges a little
Apparently, Small is Beautiful, has always been.