

Green Festival

EVENT Green Festival

November 13-15, Fri-Sun @ the San Francisco Concourse Exhibition Center, 635 8th St (at Brannan St)

Join us at the nation’s premier sustainability event, where you will see the best in green. Enjoy more than 125 renowned authors, leaders and educators; great how-to workshops; cutting-edge films; fun activities for kids; organic beer and wine; delicious vegetarian cuisine and diverse live music.

Yoga To the People

CLASS Yoga to the People

Donation-based yoga open to all people. Really great classes.

Berkeley: Downtown, near BART station
SF: 16th/Mission, near BART station



LECTURE Building Nonprofit Organizations

Thursday, October 29, 6:30-7:30pm @ 101 Wheeler

Want to know what it takes to be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit? San Fransisco Attorney Joey Neugart of the Adler & Colvin Law Firm will be speaking to students on the process of becoming 501(c)(3).

Topics to be discussed: Public Benefit v Private Foundation, Laws a Nonprofit MUST live by, Conflict of Interest Clause, Private Donor Clause, Contracts and Agreements, and more!


Idealist is an interactive site where people and organizations can exchange resources and ideas, locate opportunities and supporters, and take steps toward building a world where all people can lead free and dignified lives.

DIRECTORY San Francisco Bay Area Progressive Directory

An index to about 1200 organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area that are related to progressive activism and/or helping out disadvantaged people, plus links to related web sites elsewhere.


National Climate Change Day

EVENT National Climate Change Day: October 24, 2009

The concentration of CO2 is currently at 389 ppm, while scientists have identified 350 ppm as the safe upper limit. This December, world leaders will meet at Copenhagen, Denmark, to draft a new climate treaty during the UN Climate Change Conference.



STATISTICS California Prison System

Prison Budget: $10.6 billion (2009-2010 proposed budget)
No. of State Prisons: 33 (154,561 inmates)
Avg Reading Level: 7th grade
Avg Age: 37 years old

CA State University Budget: $7.3 million (2009-2010 proposed budget)
No. of Campuses: 23 (450,000 students)

The Teach in Prison Decal aims to provide students with a unique community service experience as they tutor prisoners at San Quentin state prison. Once a week the students will travel to the San Quentin State Prison to tutor inmates in a class taught by a teacher in the prison’s education department.



EVENT Harvest Gala

Click here to purchase tickets.

Full event: open bar, hors d'oeuvres, silent auction, raffle, dinner, live music, speakers $50+
Half event: open bar, hors d'oeuvres, silent auction, live music (limited tickets) $25+



FOOD SOURCE Berkeley Student Food Collective

New name:

Date of event: Friday, November 20, 2009. More info to come.


BUILDING MATERIALS CORRIM: Consortium for Research on Renewable Industrial Materials

Can wood be more sustainable and structurally appropriate than plastic or steel? CORRIM reports aim to quantify the environmental impacts and economic costs of wood building materials through the stages of planting, growing, manufacturing, construction, operational use, and demolition.

Founded in 1900 by Gifford Pinchot, it is the largest professional society for foresters in the world. The mission of the Society of American Foresters is to advance the science, education, technology, and practice of forestry; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and, to use the knowledge, skills, and conservation ethic of the profession to ensure the continued health and use of forest ecosystems and the present and future availability of forest resources to benefit society.